A Searcher’s Dilemma—The Hunt for a Hidden God
The quantity of people who are on a search for God is uncountable and disconcerting. An impoverished Soul led to believe that God, or spiritual fulfillment, needs to be unearthed from some hidden reality spends months, years, or even a lifetime struggling to locate it. They voyage to exotic locales like Peru, India and Tibet, seek out gurus, preachers, and self-help teachers to imbue them with the fulfillment yearned for, or pore over varying texts and philosophies. They dive from one quagmire of belief to another, drowning each time a new one is entered and exiting a little more jaded with every disappointment until exhausting themselves of any further attempts. They are constantly looking outward at a corporeal world to find the place that God inhabits.
The quandary is in the search itself. Although your travels may result, through accumulation and experience, in a deeper perspective of the world around you, they are not the purveyor of spiritual evidence. You never had to rummage around for spiritual actuation externally; you just need to act upon the immortality you already possess inside and follow it with the joys of terrestrial excursions to fortify and enrich your embrace of God.
In more succinct terms: When experiencing God, it’s best not to travel a thousand miles before taking your first step.
Since many of you have already been venturing out, it’s most advantageous to inhabit your connection with God and awareness as soon as possible so that your travels are swathed in the vastness of spiritual complexity alongside the situational wonder. If not, any adventure still can be an astonishing experience, as you may have already learned, but while your eyes may be open in the human sense, if your spiritual sensors are closed or atrophied the enterprise will lack sophistication. Any resultant awe is the product of surface judgment; a response to stimuli mostly indulged through emotional faculties. Yet, with spiritual attunement each discovery will be electrified with a deeper charge and the consequential effect furthers your correlation to all things.
So what do you do? Try the steps below:
Seems simple to understand but is profound in its habitation:
God is not some mysterious being that needs to be discovered, searched out, descried, divined, or unraveled through esoteric practices or religious rites. This may come as a surprise, but God is, and has always been, present.
It is YOU who are inaccessible.
You are the one who has been hiding, and the ignorance perpetuated through society that keeps you from embodying this fact has held sway over your faculties for long enough. Stop concealing yourself from the Divine by being present in the world and ever absent within the vast depths of your inner reality. Turn inward, meditate, pray, listen, and wait with the full expectation that the revelation will occur. Once it does, and your relationship with God flourishes, your outer reality will slowly integrate with the inner one and all experiences will be magnified exponentially.
So many of us are lost because, due to the endless cycle of social manipulation, we have been led astray. We’ve been duped into thinking God is found in religious factions, warring against each other for survival. If you want to find God, divinity, immortality, purpose, authenticity, courage, and boldness, you have to carve through the rough membranes and scar tissue of victimization and stop listening to the myriad demands of false teachers and confining religious beliefs that only seek your submission and income. Rise above these trifles and you will find your inherent right to God, far removed from the labyrinth of exploitation that has buried you in its dry and parched desert of mirages and deceit.
God, you will recognize, always meets you where you’re at. With each stride and augmentation of wisdom you will uncover a broader and vaster level of experience still waiting for you to meet it. You will distinguish in each level of experience that God was there all along and it was you who built the fortress around your Soul. How could you not have when considering the unpalatable provisions of so-called-truth force fed to you during your formative years? Yet now, you can deconstruct your system of belief, tear down the walls of delusion, walk out of your own maze, and back into the arms of God.
You have to recognize that God does not take residence in the confining laws of man that are assembled outside universal morals. God is present in every cell, every organ, every bone; he is in your pores, your breath, and travels on the vibrations of every word. God is found in every moral feat you attempt whether you believe or not. God is in the grace of selfless action, the fall of ripened fruit, the vibrant colors in a pure artist’s rebellious creations, in the smile of a happy child, and in the final beats of a dying heart. Yet all of this may seem way too oversimplified until you occupy the truth for yourself.
Once you comprehend that your relationship with God is more of a becoming than a contractual obligation to pay attention to an anthropomorphized construct, the wiser you are. You’ll find that loving God is a state of BEING in lieu of a few words littered across the darkness of your bedroom before drifting into unconsciousness. Acknowledging and living in a state of inhabited Godliness is not easily described because the occurrence dwells in a place language can’t go. Language is not forbidden, it’s just incapable of traversing such heights, and once you experience God as a way of life instead of a relationship with some remote, stiff and hard-lined judge, the more you’ll understand this. Actively taking the steps to deconstruct antiquated teachings about God is a tremendous partaking that will enhance and clarify this realization, but you MUST do the work.
Read the SoulJourner book because it was written with the express intent to help you uncover the truth, answer life’s questions, and come to a real and clear relationship with God. You’ll find in it that the process of deconstructing old beliefs and the discovery of wisdom is the mode by which you arrive at cohabitating with God. It is difficult to understand, but you CANNOT intellectualize your way into a relationship with the Divine. This isn’t the result of head knowledge. The process itself, along with your desire and fervor, will get you there and the revelation will appear unannounced precisely when it chooses to.
These are some of the things you’ll find answers to at SoulJourner:
• Why you are here
• The meaning of life
• How to exemplify Godliness
• The real meaning of success
• The difference between happiness and joy
• The magnificence of healthy relationships and how to have them
• The nature of what you really are
• How to navigate life with an efficient and compliant vessel
Once you know these answers for yourself and inhabit them as a certainty, you’ll experience, when the time is right, something extraordinary:
You’ll just BE while embodying the fact that God is BEING with you.
Having a relationship with God, you’ll find, is experienced in the perpetual state of being your authentic and uninhibited self. You’ll love God, pray to God, worship God, and praise God through the constant adventures and moral actions you commit to in this world. Who you are is your prayer to God, your actions are your praise, love and worship, and the magnificent things you get to experience in your travels will be an ever present reward for being a good steward of your time here. That reward will never lose its luster; not when your Soulful eyes are open. That’s because the things created for us in this world are of such magnificence that Soulkind can often do nothing but weep in a total state of arrest for what they are experiencing.
Finally, you’ll see that it never took one ritual, one rite of passage, one form of submission to any purported authority, or even one form of rote discipline. All it took was the compulsion to act, and in doing so, the removal of old perceptions along with the bonds of an improper view of the real God.
You may find that the loosening of all your old bonds, habits, false beliefs, and carnal predilections are one of the hardest struggles you’ll ever commit to. Yet, you’ll also find that the reward for doing so is a life of Illumination; a lifetime of never ending discovery, joy, passion and fulfillment. You’ll want to be here just so you can get lost within the wonders of a playground built so you can have the pleasure of playing in it. You’ll also live daily with the gorgeous and simple truth that God is with you every step of the way.